We are now starting to run engagement again. Engagement is currently for residents only! Check our Monthly Newsletter page and COVID-19 page for more information and other activities and engagement you can do in your rooms or online. 

Evening activities

Evening activities are a great way to have some fun and wind down at the end of the day. These include movie nights, arts and crafts, game nights, pamper evenings and more! Developmental assets include creative activities, youth programmes, planning and decision making, self-esteem and responsibility. Tonight: Games night

Jump start

Jump Start is the perfect way to start the day with an energised breakfast. This programme encourages residents to get up with a fresh start to the day, where they are prepared for the days schedule ahead and ready and alert to actively take part in programmes. It promotes a healthy lifestyle contributing to eating

Kitchen sink

Kitchen Sink forms one of our four food programmes, with the emphasis on learning and practicing basic cooking skills. This is a great class to understand more about basic cooking techniques and safety, whilst making your own healthy meals throughout the process. The programme teaches people to learn practically by doing, copying an instructor through

NHS Sexual Health

NHS Sexual health will be in to answer any questions and give advice on sexual health, contraception, STI's and more.

Food 4 thought

In this programme staff will prepare a healthy meal for residents which staff and residents will then sit down and eat together. It is a chance for residents and staff to catch up over a meal and to discuss current topics. It contributes to residents having at least one hot meal a day and having

Evening activities

Evening activities are a great way to have some fun and wind down at the end of the day. These include movie nights, arts and crafts, game nights, pamper evenings and more! Developmental assets include creative activities, youth programmes, planning and decision making, self-esteem and responsibility. Tonight: Arts and crafts

Jump start

Jump Start is the perfect way to start the day with an energised breakfast. This programme encourages residents to get up with a fresh start to the day, where they are prepared for the days schedule ahead and ready and alert to actively take part in programmes. It promotes a healthy lifestyle contributing to eating

Internet cafe and Empowered4employment

Internet café programme provides the opportunity for individuals to borrow computers to complete anything online. It is a chance for young people to update their CV, search for jobs, print things out, update homebid or complete EduCare courses. EduCare is an online short course service provider, supplying a range of courses in health and safety,

Peace love roast potatoes

In this programme a hearty family sit down meal is encouraged. The residents will shop together, prep and cook a meal together which they will then sit down and eat together. After they will all contribute to cleaning up together.

Evening activities

Evening activities are a great way to have some fun and wind down at the end of the day. These include movie nights, arts and crafts, game nights, pamper evenings and more! Developmental assets include creative activities, youth programmes, planning and decision making, self-esteem and responsibility. Tonight: Resident choice